Friday 15 July 2011

A really weird dream I had last night

I had the weirdest dream last night and I wanted to write it down so I wouldn't forget it. I thought I'd post it on here just incase anyone wants to read it. The dream started with me and some friends. I can't remember who exactly but there was only about 3 people including my boyfriend. We were on the programme LOST . This involved the surroundings of trees,gnarly looking tunnels and abandoned buildings. A man who look like a zombie appeared from nowhere and came to help us out as I we were lost in this forest. We came across an abandoned building and I wanted to explore it. The zombie man told me he could bypass all the old security and let me in with a couple of my friends. I got into a lift covered in jungle vines and it took me to a room which I thought was abandoned. There were about 5 people on the floor - people I know in real life or from television and they were all violently fitting. This was really scary and slightly concerning. I started to wonder why they were on the floor and why the were fitting when a lady dressed in all black walked up behind me and told me to sit down and watch a film. Suddenly,a projection screen was pulled from the ceiling and a film started being projected onto it. It showed loads of people in coloured T-shirts doing gymnastics and rolling around on the floor. I sat there watching it for a bit with my friends but I started to feel a little uneasy. Just as I was about to leave the room the lady in black told me to close my eyes and sleep on the floor as I must be tired. Just as I was closing my eyes,I felt a huge force on my body,almost paralyzing me. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't open. My boyfriend (who was sat next to me) grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room. He found it a struggle as my body was heavy from being paralyzed. Once we had left the room my eyes were able to open and I realised I had to warn everyone about the room and it's dangerous consequences. The lady dressed in black turned round and said 'I've invited everyone you know,friends and family to see this film. Most of them should be coming tonight and they will never be able to leave this room afterwards'.
I ran down the stairs and found myself in another room. It was like a big hall with a chandelier. Most of the my friends and family were sitting on the floor in the hall waiting to see the film upstairs. I ran round the room as fast as I could, warning everyone that they would be paralyzed if they watched the film but only a handful of people believed me. I felt really helpless and the thought of everyone I loved being trapped forever scared me so much. My boyfriend,friends and I had a task - try and save as many people from seeing the film as possible. I woke up shortly after this but I think I managed to save a good few.

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